Saturday, March 22, 2008


I mean Happy Easter! It snowed all day yesterday and all night....and it's still spitting.....ugh. I sure hope this stops by June! I always wanted a Christmas Wedding, but this is getting ridiculous. Hope you all have a wonderful Easter!

Monday, March 17, 2008


We got our first wedding gift today!!!!! This is the awesome 4 in 1 grill that we registered for. We got this from my Dad's oldest friend Craig and his wife Gidge! So exciting....I didn't expect that to be waiting in the doorway for us when we got home! Kind of dumb, but I had to share it with all of you. I guess the games are about to begin! The wedding is only 3 months away on friday! I'm excited for it to be here....I can't wait for all our friends and family to be's going to be a good time!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Wonderful News!

Hi Everyone. Bronson got a job yesterday! He starts work on Monday at Renneberg Hardwood Floors in Menahga! He will be starting out at the bottom and learning how it all works! I am so very happy for him and proud of him. From the sounds of it, they seemed quite impressed with him (who wouldn't be though, right?). VERY EXCITING!!!!

Monday, March 10, 2008


Well. Here is the latest flavor. I had my sleep deprived EEG this morning and met with the Doctor this afternoon. I had a normal EEG, and I can resume normal life!!!!! YAY! I will be going back in 10 weeks to repeat my sleep deprived EEG and the MRI for the sole reason that the 3 brain guys in Fargo didn't see what the 1 radiologist in Park Rapids saw and they want to make sure that it isn't there. So Bronson and I have talked it over and I am going to try and drive to work tomorrow, and if I don't feel comfortable or am afraid, then we will "Drive Miss Daisy" for a while longer. I am so very ready to get back to "normal."

I can't say Thank You enough for the prayers, concern, and phone's nice to have a family that is behind you. Thanks!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

I've spent the morning cleaning and doing laundry.....sad as it is, it feels so good to do something "normal" This is the most like myself that I've felt in 2 weeks and I'm so very glad about that. Bronson and I have a bowling tournament in Detroit Lakes tonight for my work. I'm still pretty sore, so hopefully I'm able to bowl like the pro I am!!!! ha ha.

Monday we go in for the sleep deprived EEG. I have to get up at 3:00 AM....and no caffeine for 24 hours...should be really interesting. Oh well at this point I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get some answers, and if we don't, then we just move on. Now that I'm feeling better, this no driving thing is going to get really old, really fast. But that is reality right now.

Thank you all again for all the phone calls, prayers, and concern. It has meant so very much to both Bronson and I.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

ANOTHER UPDATE! goes. We got VERY good news yesterday. The neurologist, the neurosurgeon, and the neurological radiologist have all looked at my MRI and concluded that my brain is asymmetrical....but there is no growth on it!!!! Yay! I am having a sleep deprived EEG on Monday morning....they said that the sleep deprivation will irritate my brain, and apparently this could trigger a seizure. An EEG basically tells them nothing unless I am having a seizure while I'm hooked up to it. So we will see. I have to go back in 2 months to have another MRI and to meet with the neurologist again. He said that I should continue my normal life, and we have to make the call on driving....the law is 6 months, but nobody is reporting we will make that call in a few weeks....I'd hate to have a seizure and hurt someone.

THANK YOU everyone for you well wishes and prayers. I am so lucky to have all of you! I love all of you very much.